We had a great Christmas this year. Pretty low key, but wonderful. On Christmas Eve we went to the Wasden's(Nate's sister)home. They had a yummy fondue dinner, fun games and sang some Christmas carols. Then Christmas morning we hung out and played with Tait's new toys. That afternoon Mom and Dad Fuller had us over for a scrumptious dinner. Taitlyn loves her new toys. She got a Tonka Dump Truck and a baby with a stroller. Taitlyn likes to crawl up in her truck and have daddy take her for a spin. She carries her baby around, and pats her back- it's so cute. Taits has quite the personality. She continues to talk and sing all the time.(Daddy says she gets her talking from mama) One of her favorite songs is Old McDonald Had a Farm. She's great at saying E-I-E-I-O. It's such a blessing to have little Taitlyn in our lives.
Taitlyn seen Santa for the first time this Christmas, and she did quite well. She didn't cry or anything. Papa Fuller was Santa Claus, so the familiar voice probaby helped- plus once she got a candy cane it was all good.